Life has been so crazy busy lately and we don't have the internet at our apartment so I never have time to blog. Sad! But life is so good! Jared and I are staying way busy! I'm still working full time at Davis and am loving it! (Well except for the mean patients I get, but oh well) I also am working 2-3 days a week doing pediatric home care. Its not my favorite but I'm getting to like it more and more! I'm trying to apply for the RN program at Weber for the Spring. I doubt I'll get in but I'll just keep trying until I do! I love being an LPN so hopefully I'll like being an RN just as much! Jared is staying busy with work and school and when he's not doing that he's out duck hunting! He loves this season! We love being married and are looking forward to some fun times coming up! All my friends in Cedar we're coming down in November! I wanna see everyone!! Pictures to be posted later.. Oh and a shout out to my sister
Abby! Hope you do well at region cross country tomorrow. You'll be great! And
Happy Birthday to my daddy tomorrow!