First bath
Just a boy and his pup
Wigeon stayed pretty close to Jared the whole time
We went and searched the ditches for asparagus and got a ton!
Jared and I ran the Ogden Half Marathon the middle of May! The weather cleared up perfectly that day so that we didn't freeze! Jared did awesome and only missed last years time by one minute! I was SLOW!! I didn't have Darcie to push me the last three miles like last year and finished 15 minutes slower. Right before the first marathoner came in! Holy fast!!
My sweet family drove up to cheer me on!
The whole family ran!
Darcie ran the full marathon this year! She did awesome!
For memorial weekend we went camping in Lava with my fam and Jared's fam. We got rained on most of the time but it was so fun and nice to get away for awhile!
Mike and Dad! They're so funny when they get together!
Me and Jared
Around the campfire..
My mom and me. I tried to take 20 pictures of me and her together but she blinked in EVERY one of them so this is the best I've got..
Jared and his peeps